Saturday, 24 January 2009

So, it's Saturday today...

Wow i've had such a great week. Even though i don’t make that much money, I feel fulfilled and satisfied because I’ve been working hard and have achieved lots :) My dad came to visit on Thursday and took me shopping so now i can actually eat proper meals! Sometimes i miss living with my dad, i miss my old bedroom. I spent weeks painting it like a jungle, but it doesnt look like this anymore, it's gone white and been made into a guest room :(

This is how it used to look..




I guess it's hard to imagine how it looked in 3D as the pictures dont really fit together that well and it was a pretty big room.



Anyway last night i went out to a gig in town where one of my friends was playing, which was pretty fun. And spent this morning making these items for an order...


Didnt too bad a job considering how tired and hungover i was :)


I really need to get back into playing guitar regularly again, my fingers are starting to go soft. When i was a kid i never really believed my parents when they said "there aren't enough hours in the day" but im really starting to feel it now. I rarely have enough time to get done all of my work aswell as find time for drawing and practicing guitar and still being able to have some form of a social life!


  1. I can't believe you painted that awesome jungle! Nice work!

    And the pics of you are really cute!
